
Essential sewing keeping me clothed and sane

May 2


Wearing my hand mades continued this week with the following offerings:

Monday – usual work day. Pale blue Puritan dress with patchwork denim coat: made from my son’s too small jeans and lined in quilter’s cotton. I wore my boots and I think I might have kept my coat on all day as it turned out to be colder than I was expecting.

ImageTuesday – nothing exciting, but dug out a self-drafted A-line skirt with matching vest top. Never blogged about, I thought the fabric looked Missoni in the online shop but it didn’t live up to my expectations IRL. Nevertheless – Me-Made May in action as I was almost going to donate this but thought I’d give it one more go.ImageFuzzy photo of Kate’s suit for SWAP ’13 as worn on Wednesday with shirt open and a white tank underneath.ImageThursday – classroom teaching all day. Centre for Pattern Design Spiral top made in super soft and stretchy jersey without front opening. I got this idea from Shams – just sew up the front. With such a busy pattern on the fabric you don’t see the seam and with Shams’ version, she used the front seam as a feature. Thats not a cowl neck you see either – it’s an infinity scarf made with the leftovers. Worn with Marcy Tilton’s skirt  V8651- again I haveImagen’t worn this skirt in a couple of years and I got loads of compliments. I think I may have gave the pattern away in a Giveaway – I’m a wee but sorry that I did now as it is OOP.

Both items not blogged, but spiral blouse is here.ImageFriday – received so many compliments about the skirt on Thursday that I wore it again. This time with Vogue 1291 in summery, flowery, floaty chiffon.Image Never blogged because I was never 100% convinced of this top: I think this pattern also went in a Giveaway. The cardigan is RTW and used to be one of those sweaters with a sewn in front. I cut that bit out, neatened up the inside seams and now I have a bright pink linen cardigan.ImageThanks to Me-Made May I retrieved a few items that I was sure were destined to be discarded. 

Hope you all a ‘normal’ week. I eventually managed to get photos taken for the official entry of SWAP ’13. I don’t know if I made the deadline, but I do have a well co-ordinated collection of clothes. Here’s a preview..


16 thoughts on “May 2

  1. Love your clothes especially the denim patchwork coat. Can you give some more info as to how you did this please. Thank you, Evelyn

    • Thanks Evelyn, I just cut up the jeans into smaller ‘squares’ and roughly, very roughly, sewed them altogether to make enough cloth for the pattern. Keep your eyes open – gotta dress coming up soon….

  2. Ruth this is a great collection. I don’t think I could pull off a Me Made May, But I have high hopes to do it maybe next year. Well done these are great me-mades.

  3. Ruth you are Awesome in your Hepburn Collection! Super energy in your pix, and they show your talent on the clothing well. So glad you entered and took SWAP to the finish line.

  4. Your SWAP collection is so pretty and well coordinated! I love it!

  5. Lovely clothes, and I’m happy they got to see the world outside of the closet! You look great in denim, and camel, and bright colors….

  6. Love and covet the “Missoni” outifit, the swirl top, and am awe of your SWAP collection. Fastastic work. It’s great to see someone else wearing all “me made”. BTW, you look fabulous!

  7. You did give away both those patterns. And I was the lucky recipient. they’ve enjoyed enough of Australia and they are heading back your way for an Irish summer… After leaving behind a traced off facsimile of course.

  8. I love this overview of your week! What a great dress the “missoni” fabric created for you. I really like it!

  9. You know, you not only sew well, but have a good eye and sense of style. Well done!

  10. Ruth, I don’t know if I did the Google thing right. We may have to do it again. Sometimes, I’m a little technologically challenged! C

  11. Pingback: Three Jeans | corecouture

  12. Hello,your wardrobe is fabulous,and i am pleased to read you.
    The little frenchie!

  13. Pingback: Jersey Blues – The Story of My SWAP | corecouture

  14. The Chevron print is a lovely idea. Thanks!

  15. If you were in a video game Ruth, this is how the ending would play out.

    Ruth: (shows marriage certificate to A. Ridgeley)

    A. Ridgeley: So you have a husband, huh? Well, that’s just great! Maybe I should just immolate myself! On second thought…

    (Scene shifts to a graveyard outside the mansion and on the tombstone, it reads “Ruth”)

    Rest in pieces…my love…

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